Monday, December 23, 2013


Bill and I started praying many years ago about the number of children we would have..... We chose three because we thought that would be manageable for us. Well, when we reached our magic number we started questioning if this would be what God wanted for us..... we started praying about it and asking for council from friends, our Pastor and wife, and some Elders from church. Everyone told us STOP! We didn't have peace though, so we decided to pray and fast for a month so we would have unity.
At the end of this time, I looked at Bill and said "Did you get an answer"??? He said "yes" but wanted to know my answer first. Neither Bill or I had peace to stop and as we studied and prayed the more convinced we both were that God had more for us! We knew that the safest and best place to be is in the center of God's will..... even if it didn't make sense.
We didn't have a lot of income, but we did have unity! It's a good thing, too, because I found out I was pregnant shortly after ....and then I found out I was pregnant with twins! Isn't it just like God to make it clearer than clear???!!!!
We went on to have fourteen children... nine sons and five daughters. They are all wonderful children (actually young adults now), they all have great character and are gorgeous!!!!
I do have bragging rights as their Mama!!!
It has not all been easy, but we had an "organized chaos" with schedules and life in general. At one time there were four children two and under, a four year old and me pregnant..... yet the house was clean, the laundry was almost done....well never, really...... but  the children were fed, clothed, and happy. They learned to work hard and play hard!!!!!
Just last week, I got to babysit my two grandchildren a couple times during the week, while Christa was at work. When she got home I was tired!!!
I absolutely enjoy and love my grandbabies to pieces, yet I had no clue that I could be that tired and sore. I know I'm older but I still thought I shouldn't feel that tired!!!
After I thought about it for awhile I came to the realization that for all the children we had.....we KNEW that that was God's will for us! I don't believe it is for everyone, but it was for us! Anyway, because we had prayed about each child, and had unity in having and parenting them it wasn't that difficult.... I will preface that with "all the time"....there were and still are challenges, but we had and have grace for being the parents of fourteen. In the middle of the night recently the Lord spoke a promise in my spirit and I woke up to the words "For I know whom I have believed, and HE IS ABLE to keep that which I've entrusted unto Him until that day! I had never memorized that scripture before and I was amazed because God ingrained it in my heart while I was sleeping!!! And,  it was word for word perfect!!! 2 Tim. 1:12
So, as I was pondering why I could still carry the laundry baskets and clean ...why was I so tired snuggling with two precious babies???? As I thought about this the word GRACE came to me!!!! Bill and I had/have the grace to be the parents to the children He blessed us with.....but I don't have that same grace with my grandchildren! Isn't it wonderful that we can slow down and listen more and be a little less busy with the grandchildren?? That's a whole different kind of grace and I am determined to enjoy every second of it!!!!
Psalm 127:3
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward"

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How did they know??????

A few times in my life I have experienced something absolutely unnerving and wonderful both at the same time!
A couple years ago I went to a Christian conference and we got to shake hands with the main speaker at the end of the meeting. When it came time to shake my hand he paused, and kept holding my hand...he finally looked me in the eye and said one word. CHILDREN! I had never met this person before and never indicated that I had children because only my husband and I were there. Well, he hit the nail on the head as I met his gaze I said yes sir, we have fourteen children and the children's friends also call me mom!
I knew he had heard that directly from the lord!
Recently, I was at a Christian bookstore and a big man approached me.....he finally just pointed his finger at me and said... "You have an anointing on your life and the Lord wants you to keep moving toward Jesus" . He continued to talk and told me I need to keep moving forward but that I had been putting my arm out for some people to catch up and he kept saying "just keep moving forward" and he told me I could pray for them but it was time for them to make their own steps!
I knew this was from the Lord, because of how it resonated in my spirit!!!
All of my children are believers but some of them are in a difficult part ( or middle) of their testimony.
This man continued to tell me worry won't help but moving into Jesus will! WOW!!!!
We chatted a little more and I left the store, but I know he had a message just for me and I am taking it seriously and taking those steps to move forward!!!!!!
This also happened to my husband recently. He had told me about an issue and we prayed together about it. The next day, he went to worship practice and a friend of ours came up to him and told him all about what we had just talked about! He was really angry at me until he found out that I hadn't even talked to my friend!!!!
Listen well to people because the words spoken to you may be a gift from God!!!!
2 Peter 1:19-21 says "and so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit"

I wants

It seems like I get the "I Wants" when we have the least amount of funds!!!! With me a simple little thought or sighting can get the snowball rolling down the hill  becoming bigger and faster and more furious once it starts!!!
I know my husband would give me the moon if he could, but his love language is definitely NOT in gift getting or giving!
When I would tell him that I wanted something he would tell me okay, write it down and I will get it when we have the cash........... Do you know of all the things I would want, and hand it in to him, I never received ONE THING!!!!
The funny thing is, is that once I wrote it down, and released it, I could let my "I Wants" totally go!!!
Bill didn't get me what I thought I was so desperate to have ...but he always would be creative and go beyond what I would consider!!!! One year he wrapped up a license  plate that said "No van for me" and he told me he found me a cute little BMW convertible...WOW!!!! This was after driving our extended van for years!
I guess the lesson I am slowly learning is that God really does want and expect us to "take EVERY thought into captivity " to make it obedient and pull down strongholds that can so easily develop. 2 cor. 10:5
Also when we/I live (abide) in the knowledge that I am loved and God knows my needs, and yes my wants..... I can rest in the truth that My God WILL supply all my needs...Phil 4:19 and that "He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond ALL that I can ask or imagine according to the power at work within me" Ephesians 3:20!!!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

React or Respond

Charles Stanley is one of my favorite pastors. I love to listen to his wisdom!!! He is still going strong and I have always been blessed by his teaching!
One day, I heard him give a message on living well and choosing to respond to situations rather than react to them. I had never heard teaching like this and was challenged right away to make different choices in my life..... I guess I was more of a reactor....when the children did something wrong, or when I did something stupid, or....fill in the blank. I reacted!!!!!!!
Recently we  had a national day of remembrance for the thousands of Americans that lost their lives in the terrorist attack against America on 9/11. On this day we remembered the attack and we honored the first responders.. the people that jumped into action and "responded" to the crisis with valor and honor.... considering others lives and safety more than their own!!!!
So often in my life I react to a situation because of how "I" feel or think, and that does not honor God! He would rather me pray or even think before I spew out like a nuclear reactor that causes untold damage when out of control!!!!
The responders SAVE lives and are there to help while the reactors just blow up and destroy!! This made me want to intentionally be a blessing and not be offended so easily when I don't get MY way!!! I want to be like the medics that give CPR ....that is, C for cultivating relationships.... this takes time and effort...and sometimes sacrifice! The p is for planting. We need to nourish our relationships and plant good seeds in them....that will cause them and us to grow. The R is for Reap. We will reap a harvest of blessings for us and others if we spend time, care, and RESPOND in love to what life, or even a day sends your and my way ....whether it be through the storms or through the sunshine!!!!!!!
Respond well friends!!!!!!!
Gal. 6:9
Do not be weary in well doing for in due season you WILL reap a harvest IF you do not lose heart (and give up)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Just do the next thing!

Being a stay at home mom, I often get asked well.....what do you do?
At first I got defensive, now I just get amused!!!!
When I was a young mom with small children, I heard a life-saving message by Elisabeth Elliot, called "Just do the next thing".
Being at home with the children. I always had a list going. In fact I recently came across it in my is what it consisted of:
make beds
make breakfast
laundry...3-4 loads per day
dust, murphy oil all hardwood floors every other week
mop kitchen floor
start supper
make lunch
That was just my master plan.......
I also had quiet time and of course play days
Now that my children are older, I have been asked..."are you going back to teaching?"
Or, what are you going to do now?????? Well, I can honestly say my list of to-dos is actually longer than it was when the children were younger!
I still have my chauffeuring responsibilities plus, cooking, cleaning, dog care-taker, woman's ministry ,babysitting for my grandchildren and then oh yes......ME!!!! I am doing some things that I like to do writing, and taking a couple classes at the YMCA.
When I was younger, I was really intense about having a clean house and wanting things to look good on the outside. It was hard to keep up on many days, and then I heard Elisabeth's teaching on just doing the next thing!
Elisabeth and her husband were missionaries ,serving in Ecquador.  When they on the mission field, her husband Jim Elliot was murdered by the very tribe they were trying to reach!!! This left Elisabeth and her newborn daughter in a hostile environment. While dealing with her grief, and coping as a young mom, she could barely continue at times....until she heard the Lord whisper to her..."just do the next thing" ! I was so moved and convicted by her story that I will never forget it! Whenever she felt overcome by her circumstances she would say "just do the next thing" and that helped her to get through!!!!
After trying in my own strength for so long to appear like I had it all together, the sixth child came along.....I couldn't do it all anymore!!!! But God is good! He told me (thru' a teacher I heard) "You can't . He never said you could. He can . He always said He would"! This simple saying helped give me freedom in trying, trying , trying to look like I had it all together! I started to get my insides cleaned up so I no longer had to try and make my outsides be perfect....and the more children I had the freer I became!!!
Recently though, when the children went back to school, I decided to start DEEP cleaning. As I tackled one project my eyes became open to the next, and the next and the next.....It's amazing how you can get used to clutter, or mess when you don't do anything about it!
As I was going through room to room and looking with fresh eyes at my home I could just hear Elisabeth's voice saying gently.."Just do the next thing". Not that I will ever get everything done (because then we would all have to leave so the house could enjoy it's clean "moment") but I have actually been eyeing up my pine wall and thinking of cleaning that...after all it has been twenty years!!!! Maybe tomorrow!!!!!!
Eccles. 11 says "Whatever your hand finds to do, do" and then just do the next thing!!!! God Bless You!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Rest and Romance......and other dreams!!!!!

This happened a number of years ago, but I came across one of my old journals while cleaning . ......and yes the cleaning stopped as I reminisced!
Some things just don't change, though. Whenever we plan well, we have interesting little "adventures" along the way!!!!
This is what a romantic weekend looked like for us!
In Feb. of 2000 (for valentines) Bill and I were desperate for some needed rest and refreshment for our bodies and souls. I asked some friends (some very brave friends) if they would watch our children........don't worry, I divided them up....and everyone said YES!!!! Hallelujah!!!
I dropped everyone Friday evening and we were a couple instead of fifteen and three quarters...( I was pregnant with our fourteenth).
We decided to stay home but go out for dinner, sooooooooo we went out, came home, and had an early night and RESTED!!!! On Saturday morning we planned to relax and we woke up on our own! Priceless!!!! However, when we got downstairs we received a phone call from the business next door telling Bill the shop door was unlocked and his alarm was going off, so off we went to the shop....puzzling but everything seemed okay.
When we got home we discovered Justin's TWO pet Iguanas had made a jail break. ICK!!
We looked and could not find them and the last time one escaped I told Justin, that"God says in the book of Genesis that He has given us dominion over all the animals , so here's what you do...say Iguana in the name of Jesus I command you to get in front of me". Having said that I walked away and trusted Justin to do just that -he forgot- the Iguana....... didn't!!
I went to bed and woke up to hear a rustling sound so I jumped up and the Iguana jumped on my very high bed on my pillow RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!! Just like I told Justin!!!  ARGH!
I knew there was power in Jesus name, and truth in the authority that Jesus gave to us, this time with the two Iguanas missing I commanded them to not to go near our bed and to show themselves to Bill !!!
We went about our day and had the opportunity to talk about the Lord with three different people...the conversation just naturally turned to God.
We went window shopping for furniture...boy do I have good taste!
We were going to go to a nice restaurant for dinner ,but we decided to go to a prayer didn't get out til later so we were too late to eat...... bummer, but we did get "soul" food!
We just went home and went to sleep until....Bill got a call first thing in the morning saying Bill's shop was on fire! We raced to the shop and yes indeed there was a fire, but Praise God!!! The fire was contained to the front of the shop...Josh's four wheeler was there, a 40,000 corvette, two suburbans, a dump truck, and all the paints, thinners and solvents. This could have been a major explosion!
God is so good! It was a light outside on the top of the roof and one of Bill's old employees spotted the fire and the fire station is only a block away and they quickly extinguished it!
Needless to say our quiet romantic weekend was interrupted by alarms, Iguanas, and fire.......and then the brakes went out on our car as we were driving!
The beauty of this whole weekend was ...We did have rest...and we spent time together, so it was good!
When we got home Bill went to use the restroom and I heard him scream! This still makes me laugh because there in front of him came the two missing Iguanas!!!!
Isn't it great that we are constantly being stretched which causes our trust to grow as we hang on to our daily faith dangle???!!! 
Genesis 50 :19-20 says "Fear not; for am I in the place of God? As for you (satan) you thought evil against me , but God meant it for good"!!!!
I look back on this fondly now, because these are memories that can never be taken and nobody could make something this weird up!!!!!!

A Typical Day....

I love it when things are planned out and go smoothly.....don't you???
Earlier this week I planned on paying a couple of bills, do my housework , then go to my bible study.
It all started well...until I couldn't find the car keys...I looked everywhere! Then I remembered William used my car to bring the girls to school. I called him up and asked where he put the keys (the ONLY set of keys.....) He told me where to look at home, until he reached in his pocket..ARGH!!!!!
So I asked one of my children if he would give me a ride to the shop so I could retrieve my keys, but he wasn't feeling well. He said there's an extra car in the drive just use that....I did ask are you sure it's the key??? He just responded "try it" (if you're wondering why I don't know about cars in my own driveway... Bill buys cars for his business all the time and I never know what is new....actually old, but new to us).
Well, I grabbed the key and got in an old old it had wind up windows....but I digress...I put the key in and it started right up! I didn't waste too much time...just got a little (lot) aggravated, but was on my merry little way.
When I reached my destination I went in and paid my bill, got in the car put the key in and.......NOTHING!!! The key wouldn't start the motor no way, no how! I finally called Bill and explained the situation. I hate bothering him during the day as I know how busy he is! After I got done talking he said to me "those aren't the right car keys". WELL, what do you know????? Why would the car obey me once but not twice????!!!! Still don't know.... that car must have known I meant business this day!
Superman....ummmm I mean Bill, said he would come to my rescue so while I was waiting I decided to go walking! I must have walked a mile before he rescued me!
The good news was that he needed to drop off a car near Brookfield and then I gave him a ride back to Bilco (his shop) so I didn't feel too guilty for pulling him away from work! Things sure don't go the way you plan but we need to enjoy the journey!!!! I got to spend a couple extra precious minutes with Bill and we prayed together for some friends and just decided to give the day to God instead of MY plans!
The rest of the day became busy with unexpected delays, and yet everything that needed to be accomplished got done!!!!
John 5 30 says "  Without Him we can do nothing"!!!! God wants us to plan and have purpose, but then include  Him in everything!!!!!!!!Then we can proclaim Phil. 4:13 "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength"